Tuesday, December 21, 2010

In the name of God our most merciful and beneficent saviour, I write.

I hope and pray these new entries, closing this year out, will inspire and encourage all who dare to read my words. My desire is for you to have the courage to live in your purpose and soar behind the heights of your wildest dreams. My wish is for you to see that sometimes there are people willing to be saved and there are people willing to be a hero and you adding your two cents (sense) may be the difference between you unveiling which one you are.

So let's pick up were we last left off......

The lil' Princess and her twin brother are reaching young adulthood now and entering the new world of High school. Life was dramatically different sense the Queen's departure and so was they're relationship with their mother, The Princess. No more could they escape from reality by traipsing to grandmothers house. No more could they have this divine mediator to settle their affairs regarding their mother. No, this life meant that they had to figure things out on their own so the lil' princess and her brother assumed. What they were very unaware of was the majestic hand of God in all their adolescent matters. They didn't realize that this was all in his magnificent order and it would bestow on both of them a new ability that neither knew they had.

This was the season that the lil princess would learn that she was far greater than any princess that story books had ever written of. She would discover that her powers were not merely ordinary, not by far. Powers for this young budding super hero were beyond ordinary, in fact, they were extraordinary with a how to guide to go with them. It would only take a special circumstance to bring them out. A chance encounter that was quit far from coincidence but one that would propel her into a whole new way of thinking, learning and living.

The day that she would be introduced to this gift was an odd circumstance that would be over looked by most. On this special day , the lil' princess was invited to attend a youth invite with many of her friends at a prestigious Country Club. As they entered, she marveled at the decor enveloping the room where the party would be held. She eagerly anticipating the party to begin momentarily. With looks of enchantment, her and her friends danced in the middle of the ballroom floor like professional street prima ballerinas. The lil' princess was having fun and left her troubles on the outside as she whirled the night away. All appeared to be right but all was going so wrong as several unsavory young girls move towards the dance floor.

"You ok," said the lil' princess to one of her closet friends. "This girl keeps bumping into me," her friend murmured while trying to maintain her composure. A group of strange characters, unaware of the relationship the lil princess and her friends had with this unfriendly neighborhood. The young nemesis saw it in their best interest to let them know that they had better leave or it was going to be big trouble. As the lil princess continued to dance with her strikingly handsome partner, she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. She didn't know what to do but she knew she had to do something.

"Ok you come dance over here by me," they little princess instructed. And as her friend moved closer towards her, so did their unrelenting admirers. One thing led to another and the lil princess and her friends were on the verge of an all out brawl. "How did dancing turn into pushing and shoving," wondered the lil princess but what she was learning by default was they way of the streets. See the code of the streets read like this. You stay on your side of the neighborhood and we will stay on our side of the neighborhood. If you come on our side we have an unspoken rite to pounce on you. So that's the code of the streets and it was known by all the young people in the neighborhood. But the lil princess growing in confidence and street savvy could care less about that rule, she wanted to dance. She also wanted her friends to feel comfortable. As she kept her eyes on her friends and these rude young ladies, her new Sutter kept her attention off of the distraction and advise her not be bothered by them.

Later that evening, the ordeal had subsided and the lil princess' night was not in vain. She had spent most of the evening dancing with a young gentlemen despite the unpredictable interruptions.This young gentlemen she had so much fun dancing with was an angel in disguise. See he was apart of her new found gift. He was a secret blessing that she didn't even know she had the power to attract. What the lil' princess was about to learn was that God was sending to her personally his angels to help her unlock the mystery of her new power. Although he was unaware that God was using him in this grand capacity, he played his part to the letter as if the script had been woven inside of him. So as the night ended they exchanged phone numbers and she headed home. Several days later he called her and ask if she would like to go out, just as God had planned it. The lil princess eager to appear to be "all grown up, and independent," replied yes. He asked where she would like to go and she replied in a soft feminine way, "to the movies." She had heard about this new movie coming out that starred Denzel Washington as the lead actor and was coined, 'A Spike Lee Joint,' by the marketing media. The lil princess was unaware that this date would be much more than a date but it would be the catalyst for her to have a date with destiny.
more next time God willing
copyright (2010)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Going up yonder, to be with my Lord

In the name of God I write,

"If you wanna know/where I am going/where I am going soon/I'm going up yonder to be with my Lord...."

The lil. princess was sitting anxiously in the first pew of the Queen's church waiting for the choir to sing the second verse of her grandmothers favorite song, "Going Up Yonder." She was so consumed with the majesty of the soloist singing that she didn't see the signs God was showing her. She didn't understand why this song moved her grandmother to tears as she watched the her grandmother rocking back and forth in her seat. She felt a different kind of energy from the Queen after church this particular Sunday, and she wouldn't know what events lay ahead later on that week until time permitted her to. Her mother, the Princess was making minimal changes in her life, but still seemed unstable in her decisions. The Princess had a plan and she was now ready to implement it even though The Queen intuitively knew she could not change what must take place for her grandbabies. The twins were none the wiser at these future events that would change the course and direction of their destiny, but the 'lil princess, like The Queen, had that same peculiar feeling.

One thing the 'lil princess did have though, was her newly found power, her gift that was given to her by The Queen. She had the power of Prayer, a power that would restore all that she thought she was about to loose. And, although she didn't fully realize why she needed this power or when she would use it, time and circumstance would allow her to bring it into reality.

As times were changing so fast and the hour was growing close for another transistion in their family, The Queen who had appeared so healthy was now sick and had been so for a long time. The Queen could no longer hide from her family how ill she was, and she could no longer deny the toll that stress and worry for her family had taken on her ailing body. She hid her pain well with smiles and stoic looks, but inside she wished she could shout to the mountain tops that, "I am going and I will be going soon." The only time she felt free of her secret burden was when the church choir belted out the verse to her song "Going Up Yonder." She knew God was calling her home, and wanted so desperately to make her affairs right before her departure. God had given her so many signs that it would soon be time for her to leave this earthly place that she could not keep the weight of this burden silent anymore. Her body would not allow her to, nor would her mind.

The Princess found a new avenue to escape instability, and she wanted to finally do right by her children. The Princess made it up in her mind that she no longer wanted to run the streets and make a dollar out of fifteen cents, so she settled for an unhealthy relationship with a man that she really did not love. However, she knew he loved her and would do anything to take care of her and her children, so she submitted to their arrangement. The arrangement meant that she would stay at home and he would work. She would get back her children and he would provide for her and her twins. This arrangement meant that their would be an absence of the greatest force that keeps families together and that was love, attention and most importantly God. God was not at the root of this union, nor would he be at the root of their family.

And unbeknowest to them, the twins had no other choice than to move with their mother and new stepfather who was not a father, biological, legal or otherwise. They were too young to understand the details concerning this new move. All they knew was their mother could finally be in their life and there was a man that could potentially fill the void of the Prince's absence. The 'lil princess daydreamed about her new life on the other side of town and often envisioned herself living like the children on television who seemed to have everything. Even though she did not know this man or his background, she trusted her mother's decision.

So they moved into their new 3-bedroom apartment and it was quite different from what they had been use too. Their stepfather made sure that the princess wanted for nothing. He cooked, cleaned and gave the twins what little bit of affection that he could, being that he didn't know them or the father that had abandoned them. He showered The Princess with gifts and provided a somewhat good life for her. This was much better then the life she had struggling on her own, so she thought.

They were all settled into their new home and the twins were adjusting to their new school. The Princess was happy at last. But something tragic was about to change her happiness. The princess had gotten word that The Queen had become seriously ill and had to be rushed to the hospital. The Princess' younger brother came to their new home and told them the bad news. He informed The Princess that their mother was dying and that she should allow the twins to see her if these were her final moments. The Princess was heart broken, but was adamant about not letting the twins go and see their grandmother in that state. However, her brother begged her to, and she reluctantly yielded to his request.

He told the twins to get ready and rushed them to the hospital to see their ill-stricken grandmother. They arrived at the hospital that afternoon, and their uncle informed them that they had to take turns to go and see her. The 'lil prince went first and came back to the waiting room just as fast as he left. He looked solemnly at his sister, knowing what she would see when it was her turn. Finally, it was the 'lil princess' turn. She slowly walked into her grandmother's hospital room, not knowing what to expect. She saw her grandmother The Queen, her Queen, looking helpless, attached to all those tubes. Where was the shining look that graced her countenance? She only saw a pale version of the woman she loved so dearly. What was wrong with her? Why couldn't she talk? Why did she appear so weak? The 'lil princess gently stroked the back of her grandmother's hand.

She now had to be strong for her source of strength; she had to have a quality that she didn't even know she possessed...and that was faith. But what was faith to a child? What did this faith look like, and what did it mean for her life. As she continued to watch her grandmother fade away, she knew deep inside that her life would soon be over. She knew that her grandmother would make a transition that would spiral her family out of control.

Her visit was over and this would be the last time she would see her grandmother alive. The 'lil princess walked out of the room saddened by what she knew was inevitable, and could not bear being alone in this world without her grandmother. The 'lil princess didn't want to be subjected to her mother's neglect and emotional abandonment without anyone to rescue her from it. She was safe with her grandmother, but if she died, who would be her hero?

more next time, God willing....
All rights reserved (c) 2010

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Unlikely Hero: Who am I?

In the name of God I write,

It took me some time to write this next blog entry because I simply had to process what God was doing with me and through me. I couldn't take for granted the readers or the blessed gift of writing. So I prayed and allowed God to put this next entry in me so that I could write what He wrote in my heart.

And although I truly believe this was a personal triumph for me to reveal myself and tell my personal story, I was reminded recently by a dear brother and friend that we oft times look to save ourselves or focus only on what we are going through and forget that we are saviours. As believers in God, He has chosen us to be supernatural and He has chosen us to bear the cross of being the true super hero.

Being a child, the lil' princess felt like the environment she was growing up in was quite normal. Seeing her mother go out on most nights and not come in until the wee hours, hearing her uncles argue with her grandmother about finances and choices she thought was best, fighting her brother just to be left alone and enduring abuse because she was too scared to say, "Stop!" For her, this was normal and for her, this was her family. She was just happy to have a family and have some kind of sanctuary. Yet she knew instinctively that this was not normal and often thought that her life was some one else's. She would imagine that she was adopted and that her real parents would show up and whisk her away from all of this madness. She would envision that she was the main character in the popular television series The Brandy Bunch, and maybe her mother would get married and all their problems would be solved. But unbeknowest to her, God was allowing these tragedies to become a major triumph and He was setting the stage for her greatness. She didn't suspect that the Master Planner had a major plan with her in mind.

So the years passed and the lil' princess grew. It was now the mid 1980's and Jane Byrne was going out and a new man lead politics in Chicago, Mayor Harold Washington. He was the first Black Mayor Chicago had ever witnessed. A new genre of music was being birth called Rap which they later termed as Hip Hop and Micheal Jackson was the King of the Music Video sagas. Every one had a Thriller jacket and a white glove, and guess what? So did the lil' princess and prince. They would anxiously rush over to the their friends house to go in the back of the yard to see if anyone threw away some card board boxes. Once they eyed a box, the boys broke it down and it miraculously turned into a dance floor. Out of no where another boy would magically appear with a boom box, that's a very large portable radio for those who may not understand. They turned the music up loud and began to perform acrobatic stunts. Back then they called it break-dancing and everyone on the block was doing it. The lil' princess and her brother found something that brought them together....dancing. Even though to others it seemed trivial, to them it was a release from thinking about their mother and the situations that they had to endure at home.

Life with The Queen was going somewhat well and they now had a new found sense of stability. The Queen continued ministering on Sunday mornings and the lil' princess continue to watch her grandmother be used as a willing vessel for God. She noticed the transformation that came over her grandmother while she stood firmly behind the pulpit. She listened at the responses of the congregation when her grandmother said something that stirred up the spirit of the people in the room. She also noticed a peculiar happening when the drummer would beat the top of his drum with his drum sticks and the piano playing chiming in on cue as these women would run down the aisle of the church as if something strange had jumped down their dresses. She thought maybe they were just happy or maybe they just wanted to dance, but to her it seemed oddly different and she wanted no parts of it. The "it" was called the Holy Ghost and it frightened the lil' princess every time she witness such act.

She begin to ask more and more questions of her grandmother about the strange happenings at the church and why did people have to do certain things. She began to become more curious about this man they called Jesus and wondered where he was. Most importantly, who was he? If grandmomma said he had hair like lamb's wool then why did she have a picture of another man whose hair was straight and long and who was obviously not the complexion of burnished brass? If grandmomma said we should love one another even as Jesus loved us, then why did their family continue to be so unloving towards each other and why did love look so painful? She began to see the myriad of contradictions in what she heard on Sunday mornings and what she saw on Monday evenings. Something didn't add up, and although she was young she was not too blind to see that grandmother left out many pieces to the puzzle of life. Nonetheless, she loved her grandmother so.

The lil' princess, however, missed her mother dearly. And although her life with her mom wasn't perfect, this still was her mother and all she wanted was to soon be re-united with her. She would get so excited with hopes of her mother visiting and often cried a stream of tears on realizing that she would not stay long for the visit. "Momma is busy," so she would say, and she had to go and take care of business. The lil' princess only wanted her mother to stay with her and be the mother that she wished and hoped she would be to her young children. The lil' princess didn't understand how God could be so cruel that He would not allow her a relationship with her mother. She saw her grandmother trying to be the best example and she saw her mother trying hard to battle accepting being a parent, but it still was so confusing. But she was unaware of a hidden truth; that God was in the midst of it all. The lil' princess didn't know and understand the why and the how of her life, but she would soon find out that God was going to transform her situation and allow her to gain the strength to become supernatural.

What she was unaware of was the important fact that this life that she seemed to despise so much was her training ground to amplify her super abilities and propel her into hero status in the twinkling of an eye. The little princess was being granted access into the process of what makes a human being into a person with extraordinary powers. All she had to do was continue to be patient and let the process do what it's design to do.

More next time, God willing...

copywrite 2010 (c)

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Unlikely Hero Part 3: Stolen Virtue

In the name of God I write,

As I write this next entry with fear and trepidation, revealing an ordeal that gave me the strength to accept who I am right now, I was reminded by a dear friend of these powerful words by the famous poet laureate, Maryann Williamson:

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us.
We ask ourselves: Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same."

As we continue with part 3 of The Unlikely Hero, the princess has made a choice to live her life with personal freedom and The Queen has decided to, "Let Go and Let God," regarding her children's decisions. But the question is; can a mother truly let go?

The twins were almost ready for kindergarten and the princess was adamant about giving her children a better life than she had. She removed them from the environment of arguments and resentment and nestled them into a nice little snug apartment, miles away from The Queen's castle. The princess would rather struggle on her own than depend on The Queen to take care of her, and that is what she did. Her and the twins struggled hard without the assistance of The Queen and the lil' princess missed her grandmother dearly. The Queen still made sure that her twins received their spiritual base and kept them in church. The lil' princess felt strong around her grandmother. She believed that everything was alright, as long as grandmother was there. Her grandmother would attend to her feminine needs in ways that the princess might have neglected. And her grandmother gave her the attention that her mother seemed to think she didn't need.

The Queen took great pride in making sure the lil' princess had on her Sunday's best. She made sure that the lil' princess' thick, course hair was pressed and curled before church service. She saw that the lil' princess had her patent leather black shoes to go with her beautiful church dresses. And again, the lil' princess would sit on the front pew and hold her grandmother's Bible, awaiting her to mount the pulpit. In awe, the lil' princess would stare in amazement as this powerful woman of God preached His word. She couldn't believe that this same woman was her grandmother. The woman who comforted her through her little tragedies that seemed like a mountain of troubles. This beautiful dark-skinned saviour who would whisk her away from all the rejection she felt from her mother, the princess.

Even though the princess missed her family, she did not miss the fighting and destructive behaviour her family produced. She was now getting her self together and discovering hidden desires of her own. She found the love of music, and so desperately wanted to pursue it. She wrote poetic prose and melodies that reflected the time of her young adulthood. It was now the early 80's, and music was the escape for most Black people at that time, as well as the princess. This era represented the time of spiritual enlightenment and a re-birth of black consciousness. President Jimmy Carter was going out,and the newly crowned Ronald Regan was being ushered in. And in Chicago, politics was the order of the day. With the first female mayor the city ever elected, Mayor Jane Byrne represented something new and refreshing. Women were getting attention in the eyes of modern society like never before.

Black people felt as though they had no sanctuary with Black leadership being destroyed or divided . We went from closed fist being pumped in the air, Afros and Black military fatigues, to the feminization of the Black man with bell bottoms and men styling their hair with perms and rollers as women did. Something was happening, and Blacks needed a voice to remind them of their birthrite.

Although the Black Power movement of the 60's was now gone, there was still a beacon of hope with one organization that survived that tragic time. With the announcement of the Re-birth of the Nation of Islam, many Blacks were glad that they had someone to stand up for them in leadership. So, although Malcolm had been murdered, the teachings of Elijah Muhammad was being resurrected by his prized student, Louis Farrakhan.

Also, Blacks were getting frustrated with the way things had been with the older generation, and strayed far away from the ways and paths of their parents before them.
We were becoming less of a minority, with the population of Blacks growing from 18.9 million in the 60's to 26.5 million in the 80's. And, although we were growing in numbers, the job rates were still low. Women were coming out of the home as house wives and going into the workforce at an unpresedented rate. Whereas, in the 60's, women raised their children and were married; the 80's reflected a different mindset for most black women. Some women engulf themselve in their jobs and were becoming less dependent on men. During this time many women also became independent of men and more dependent on welfare.

The princess sought this alternative to help compensate for the lack of support from the prince. She relied on welfare to get her through until she could figure things out for herself and her babies. The princess didn't think that her only option for spiritual development was church, so she began to try out other faiths. However, she never felt fully rooted with any particular religion and sought fulfillment through following her desire to become a musician. She began to teach herself the guitar and patterned her look after a famous female Disco group. She enjoyed promoting parties and going to them. She was having fun, so she thought. But, her children needed a mother, and they fell victim to the princess' yearning for the nightlife.

The lil' prince and lil' princess kept trusting in one another and continued to seek solace within themselves. When there was no one that could understand, they understood each other's pain. When one felt that they could not articulate their thoughts, the other would speak up and express what the other was feeling. They had an inner language that no one understood but them. And if you know anything about twins or multiples, they just have a funny way of communicating with each other. It's like they have a language all their own.

The twins got started in preschool down the street from the Queen's castle, at the Queen's request. They were doing good and developing well academically. Yet emotionally, no one really knew their inward battle. The lil' princess, who was once very outgoing, was now shy and timid, and so was the little prince. So much so, that the lil' princess and lil' prince would barely talk to people, even their teachers. The lil' princess avoided asking for anything, even permission to go to the restroom, if she could help it. She was scared of her own shadow, and masked it with a cute little smile on her adorable face. The lil' princess would rarely make friends and refused to talk if you tried to engage her, but no one seemed to mind. No one noticed that something was wrong. The princess was too busy being busy, The Queen was too concerned with business and church affairs and the uncles were too immersed in their owns lives. No one could imagine what terrible thing was lying ahead for the lil' princess.

See, although families have a responsibility towards each other, we sometimes overlook the well being of our children for our own selfish motives. And, so it was with the princess. She spent many nights at parties, but her children spent many nights without a mother to protect them. The princess never would trust anyone with her children so she relied on her family to babysit and hold down the fort until she returned. She depended upon older nieces and nephews to watch her precious jewels, her twins. And, although the twins never complained, because who would care anyway, they continue to be subjected to the mishandling of teenagers with young children. The princess didn't think of how impatient teenager's are with themselves, let alone small children. The princess did not factor in the issues that those she let care for her children may be facing.

So on one unfortunate evening, the princess went out as she usually did and left her two prized possessions in the hands of her young irresponsible nephew who was in his early twenties. The princess never would have imagined that, while enjoying herself on this evening, her daughter's life would be changed forever. The lil' princess, being her quiet and shy self, never felt compelled to tell her mother, because who would care that her older cousin forced himself upon her? Who would rescue her this time? Would it be The Queen? Oh no, because this particular nephew was beloved in her heart and held in high regard in their family. So, who would protect her virtue, no one. No one No one. It was lost at the age of 6 or 7. See, the event was so traumatic that the lil' princess blocked it out of her mind. She assumed this was love, and never felt like being a bother to her family. She just didn't want to rock a boat that already had so many holes.

So, the quiet, shy timid little girl was made that way because of the circumstances that changed her life forever. And she endured this abuse for many years to come.

Now The Queen, being an intuitive woman, knew something was wrong with this baby, but by the time she paid attention, it was too late and she had be marred. The affects of the abuse took a toll on her young soul and she begin to hide her light that once shined so bright. She felt so small, she would pretend that she was invisible. She would minimize her tiny accomplishments. And she loathed attention or any type of recognition. She was ashamed for being alive and she was embarrassed because she was a girl. She was a girl who looked just like her father, and maybe this was the punishment for looking like him. Maybe God was cursing her because of something she did, so she thought. But What she didn't know was that, just like her birth, her abuse was part of God's divine plan for her life.

Once again, the spirit of God spoke to The Queen on behalf of her grandchildren, and once again, The Queen listened. As fate would have it, the princess grew impatient and overwhelmed with the responsibilities of being a mother, so The Queen stepped in and allowed the twins to come and stay with her for a while. She knew that her daughter was struggling to raise these children, and she could no longer sit by and watch idly while her grandchildren lacked what they needed. After hearing the news that she was going to live with her grandmother, the lil' princess was happy because she would finally escape from all of the madness and confusion with her mom. The lil' prince missed his mother too much and really didn't wanna go, but he did. In The Queen's house the lil' princess felt good and strong. They prayed together, and this was the moment where the lil' princess was bestowed one of many powers that she would use to help save her people.

The Queen tucked her in bed and said to her child "lil princess, God is gonna work things out, I promise you, now let's pray...The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want..." By the end of the prayer, the lil' princess was fast asleep, and The Queen rested her hands on the girl's small shoulders and began to say her own private prayer. She laid hands on her little girl and prayed for God to intervene in her life. She prayed for God to allow her to accept the calling that her mother rejected, and that God would use her to help His people. She prayed for the angels to protect this mighty little warrior and asked God to allow this child to be a servant. She bequeathed a portion of her greatness onto her granddaughter and initiated the hero that was buried inside within this lil' servant.

(All work is copywritten under the new copyright laws) (C)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Part 2: Unlikely Hero

In the name of God I write
Peace and greetings to you all,

I just wanted to say thank you to all those who have read my very first blog! It isn't easy sharing my life with the public. But if someone can learn from what I have experienced, make better life choices from what they have read, and possibly change or be inspired in some kind of way, then it's certainly worth it.

Picking up where we left off yesterday.

The princess, overwhelmed with emotion, returned home to The Queen's castle. The Queen lived on the gritty south side of Chicago, where money was low, but love was high. The side of town where the next door neighbor could catch you doing something you shouldn't have been doing, and whoop your backside for doing it. The side of town where the person living up stairs from your parents could borrow a cup of sugar and never have to worry about paying it back. This was Chicago, and this was where royalty was bestowed onto the baby prince and the baby princess. Now, during these times, black folks had just come out of the civil rights movement, although we still didn't have all of our civil rights and a new movement was being birthed: The movement of the 70's. This was the generation of free love, peace and, of course, the ever popular Afros and bell bottoms.

Malcolm and Martin were gone, and so was Elijah. Black people, during this awkward transition, really didn't have a strong voice in leadership. This was 1975! The Queen knew that her children and their children would experience a great deal of stress being Black in America but she was particularly worried about her daughter, the princess. She knew the princess loved the street life and she adored parties. The princess immersed herself in music and all that the world had to offer. How would she fare as a new mother during this pivotal time?

Their was a huge gap between the princess and her mother The Queen, and attempts at communication only led to arguments, shouting, doors slamming and hurt feelings. The princess simply wanted to live the life that the 70's promoted; that fun-loving life. Free of all the cares in the world. The life where you could make your own decisions and you need not ask for permission. The kinda life where you can just try anything for yourself and people didn't try to impress on you what they wanted for you, even though their intentions were pure.

But The Queen, being a woman of God and a spiritual leader, only wanted her daughter to follow in her footsteps. She merely desired to pass down to her an inheritance of wisdom and love for the word of God to her only girl child. The Queen often worried about how the princess was going to raise her new babies and prayed a lot for God to intervene in her daughters life. She knew that the princess did not care much for her counsel, but she knew that God would somehow work things out.

The twins were growing fast, teething, smiling, crawling, eating on their own and they were a great part of The Queens life. These babies were special, because they were from her daughter. And although she loved her three sons and the grandchildren that they produced, The Queen prided herself in these two new bundles of joy. She bought them clothes, took them to church and made sure they had the same care that her children before them had. Everyone knew how much The Queen loved her twins.

Days passed, then months, then years, and now the twins were about four years of age. They were talking, learning and creating on their own, as most children do. However, as the children grew, so did the distance between the princess and The Queen. So much so, that the princess could barely be in the same room with The Queen without getting upset over decisions The Queen would make. The princess felt that The Queen favored her brothers over her, the only girl. She always felt like she was at odds with her siblings. And in the midst of all this confusion were two little beautiful children that were unaware of their family's strife. See, no one knew that these two young precocious children were listening to every conversation, every argument, every fight and disagreement. No one thought about the affect that it would have on their impressionable minds. No one stopped to see the bewildered looks on their small faces. And in all honesty, I don't think any one cared.

Yet and still, the twins, as they were affectionately called so often, found solace within themselves. Playing, creating, experimenting and escaping from the world of chaos around them. The lil' prince found comfort in his action figure toys and the princess found joy in her dolls. They played silently alone or loudly with each other. And now these two sweet little children began to treat one another as they saw their uncles and mother treat The Queen. They started arguing and fighting over toys or anything that seemed worthy of an argument. Now, of course, it's quite natural for children to disagree, especially when they're the same age and the opposite sexes, however these twins fought like it was The Civil War. It was so difficult for the princess to handle them both at one time, so she often split them up between her and The Queen.

The Queen would care for the lil' princess and the princess would care for her lil' prince. This seemed easier on everyone involved, except for the twins. Although they fought, they were each other's peace of mind, and to separate twins is never a good thing to do. They were now distant, and were growing further and further apart with each separation. So, sibling love turned into sibling rivalry, and The Queen did her best to keep down the confusion. She often took them to the church where she presided as Reverend, thinking if they had some kind of spiritual base, they would be alright. But she chided their mother for not attending. She would sit the lil' princess on the front pew and tell her to hold her Bible as she preached the word of God. The lil' princess felt honored and would do whatever The Queen asked of her. She loved her grandmother and she knew that her grandmother loved her. However, the lil' princess didn't share the same compassion for her mother. She, at times, felt abandoned and unwanted. She felt alone and emotionally disconnected, but as for The Queen, she knew that her grandmother would rescue her from whatever sticky situation her mother got them in.

When the princess got into a jam and needed a place to stay, the Queen would come to the rescue. When children, whose parents could not or would not care for them, would come her way, The Queen allowed them to stay in her home. When wayward men just needed some guidance The Queen gave them a helping hand. She was a pillar in the community, and all had love for The Queen. Now, the lil' princess would see The Queen and her mother argue, and couldn't understand why. "Are all families like this?" she thought. "Is this how other families showed love and honor?" she wondered. Even though the lil' princess had no super powers or no magic wand to heal her family from all of this resentment, hatred and pain, she did have something. She had love in her little heart.

One day, after and argument between her mother and grandmother, the lil' princess walked up to her grandmother, wiped the tears from her eyes and told her "It's okay." The Queen smiled, seeing something special in this granddaughter that she once saw in her daughter. She saw the Holy Spirit of God in this little girl child. The Queen listened to the voice of God within; that small still voice that gives us guidance when we're just frustrated with the world. That voice was loud in The Queen, because she listened to it often. That voice from within told her to stop focusing on her grown children and give these babies God's spirit. So she turned her attention towards her grandbabies and vowed to make their life one of service and sacrifice.

The princess, being so inclined to the night life, vowed to make her own decisions and live the life she truly wanted to live.

(All work is copywritten under the new copyright laws) (C)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Unlikely Hero

Greetings and good day to you all,

As I write, recognizing I have no power on my own, I have to acknowledge the One that has all power, and that is God. It is in His name I write, and it is with His spirit that I hope and I pray I touch someone with what He allows me to share.

Today, I wanted to talk about an unlikely hero. A woman that would not necessarily classify herself as some one that others would look up to. It is so unlikely that this individual would be the one that God would use to help someone else improve their situation, that if you would have told her 10 or even 20 years ago that this was her fate, she would have disagreed. I am going to commence to tell the story of this unusual set of circumstances that propel our heroin on the path that she is on today.

It all began in a big bustling town call Chicago, IL in the year of 1973. A beautiful princess met her 'knight in shining armor', so she thought. She met a man that would save her day and remove her from the life that she so desperately dreaded. They fell in .... I can't say love, because neither of the two had ever experienced that. I can only say that they were addicted to each other. So addicted that the only thing they had in common was physical attraction. The princess, who didn't know she was a princess, and the prince who unfortunately did not act charming, consummated their arrangement with the intent on starting a business together and joining forces to make as much money as possible. And like all relationships that are build on such shallow premises, it failed, and at the end the princess was with child and the prince wanted nothing to do with her. Devastated, she gave him several ultimatums, but the prince could care less because, like her, their were other princesses willing and ready to give themselves to him. So the prince abandoned the traumatized princess, and she did not live happily ever after.

Months passed and the princess' stomach grew larger and larger. She had prayed to God to allow her to carry this baby to term. She begged God fervently to help her get through this emotionally painful ordeal. The princess had been with child on several other occasions, but could not seem to bring one to term. This was her 9th pregnancy, and she vowed to God that if He would so oblige, she would do right by this child this time. Time passed, and her belly grew even larger, but it was unusually large. So large, that she could barely walk down the street without someone trying to help her out. She went to the doctor, and, low and behold, found out some unexpected news... She was carrying twins, two babies at one time! She thought to herself, "Maybe if I tell the prince that it was two babies, instead of one, he would come back and we may possibly start a family." But the prince had other plans, and sister princess was not in them.

So, again, she prayed, and again, she waited for the day to bring her babies into the world. September 23 came and she started feeling some different commotion in her large belly. "Was it time?" she thought. "Could this be it?!" she exclaimed. Although the prince was not there, her mother the Queen was. And the Queen had already been prepared for what was in her daughter's womb. God had told the Queen about the journey her daughter would beset, and she was ready for the plan that God would manifest through these special children.

Finally, it was time, and the princess was ready, so she thought. But, unlike other labors or pregnancies in the past, this was very unique. This one lasted several days and the pain seemed endless. "Please make it stop!" she clamored. "I just want to go home," she said. With the look of anxiety and joy in her eyes she began to feel something odd happen. "Push! Push!" The doctors said and she replied, "I am pushing." "Push!" "We can see a head." "Here it comes, you doing good mom. keep pushing!" And, low and behold, the first baby was a girl! With a sigh of relief, she smiled and almost fainted at the same time. Her first child was born, and it was what she had hoped for, a girl. But what about the other baby? What was it going to be? The doctors waited and waited to see if the princess' contractions were starting up again, but they didn't. This was strange: in the case of twins, one usually comes right after the other. But not in her case. It took another hour and fifteen minutes for her to even feel one contraction. The doctors and the princess were concerned.

Maybe they should remove him by forceps. Maybe they should cut her open, but then, she felt something odd moving down below. It was the next baby, hesitantly making his way into the world. Yes, I say "his", because this child was announced as a boy! What?! A boy and a girl?! To her amazement, she performed a feat that most were unable to perform. She had both male and female in one night. The princess, tired and overjoyed, laid on the bed as they stitched her up. However, the doctors noticed something else. The princess could not stop bleeding! They called for more doctors and the princess called on God. "What was wrong?" she thought. "Why was this happening?" Was she about to die? They did the best they could, but the doctor informed her that, in order to save her life, she would have to get a blood transfusion.

Her emotions ranged from happy to scared over the next 30 minutes. She called her mother the Queen, and the Queen dropped on her knees and started praying. "Lord whatever Your will is for my daughter, let it be done, but spare her life. I don't know the plan, dear Father, but You do. Please protect her and her babies and allow them to be used for Your glory dear Lord," The Queen lamented. Hours passed, and what was supposed to be childbirth, turned into surgery. What was suppose to be elation, turned into sadness.

Although the princess went through so much difficulty, she had her two little bundles of joy to focus on. She could not leave them to be raised any ole' kinda way. She had to make it through this storm that she was facing. So she mustered up the courage to fight for her life and willed herself to heal. Several days passed and she began to recuperate. She got the chance to hold her new twins in both her arms."Is this the reason I was so big?" she chuckled. "Because of you two?"

And the princess' journey began.

More tomorrow, God willing...
(All work is copywritten under the new copyright laws) (C)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Super Save a Sister

Greetings to you all,
I was inspired to start this blog with an aggressive attempt to make a change. I simply was God-led to share my adventures with being a woman who loves to help my people. In my journey, I have found joy and sorrow, laughter and pain, irritation and relief and most importantly an overwhelming feeling to help some one that may need my assistance. I am sure we've all felt like this at times. We all have had opportunities presented to us to share, give, love, endure and lift some one up out of a condition that they may be facing at the moment. And at times it is so difficult helping when you are in need of help. It's difficult giving when you only have a little. It's hard loving when you are fighting with yourself to love. It is so trying when you want to aid your fellow man but many before have taking advantage of your kindness.

With all that said, we still find ourselves in the midst of some one else's confusion. I say this because I know that I am not alone. We as a people need so much and lack so much that it is a heroic feet just to lend a hand. So this blog is for those who don't seek to get the credit but are willing vessels. Those that are unsuspecting angels and don't know it. It's also for me to share my day to day struggles and triumphs in my quest to be a servant of God.

So my question to you is, who have you saved today?

(All work is copywritten under the new copyright laws) (C)