Tuesday, December 21, 2010

In the name of God our most merciful and beneficent saviour, I write.

I hope and pray these new entries, closing this year out, will inspire and encourage all who dare to read my words. My desire is for you to have the courage to live in your purpose and soar behind the heights of your wildest dreams. My wish is for you to see that sometimes there are people willing to be saved and there are people willing to be a hero and you adding your two cents (sense) may be the difference between you unveiling which one you are.

So let's pick up were we last left off......

The lil' Princess and her twin brother are reaching young adulthood now and entering the new world of High school. Life was dramatically different sense the Queen's departure and so was they're relationship with their mother, The Princess. No more could they escape from reality by traipsing to grandmothers house. No more could they have this divine mediator to settle their affairs regarding their mother. No, this life meant that they had to figure things out on their own so the lil' princess and her brother assumed. What they were very unaware of was the majestic hand of God in all their adolescent matters. They didn't realize that this was all in his magnificent order and it would bestow on both of them a new ability that neither knew they had.

This was the season that the lil princess would learn that she was far greater than any princess that story books had ever written of. She would discover that her powers were not merely ordinary, not by far. Powers for this young budding super hero were beyond ordinary, in fact, they were extraordinary with a how to guide to go with them. It would only take a special circumstance to bring them out. A chance encounter that was quit far from coincidence but one that would propel her into a whole new way of thinking, learning and living.

The day that she would be introduced to this gift was an odd circumstance that would be over looked by most. On this special day , the lil' princess was invited to attend a youth invite with many of her friends at a prestigious Country Club. As they entered, she marveled at the decor enveloping the room where the party would be held. She eagerly anticipating the party to begin momentarily. With looks of enchantment, her and her friends danced in the middle of the ballroom floor like professional street prima ballerinas. The lil' princess was having fun and left her troubles on the outside as she whirled the night away. All appeared to be right but all was going so wrong as several unsavory young girls move towards the dance floor.

"You ok," said the lil' princess to one of her closet friends. "This girl keeps bumping into me," her friend murmured while trying to maintain her composure. A group of strange characters, unaware of the relationship the lil princess and her friends had with this unfriendly neighborhood. The young nemesis saw it in their best interest to let them know that they had better leave or it was going to be big trouble. As the lil princess continued to dance with her strikingly handsome partner, she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. She didn't know what to do but she knew she had to do something.

"Ok you come dance over here by me," they little princess instructed. And as her friend moved closer towards her, so did their unrelenting admirers. One thing led to another and the lil princess and her friends were on the verge of an all out brawl. "How did dancing turn into pushing and shoving," wondered the lil princess but what she was learning by default was they way of the streets. See the code of the streets read like this. You stay on your side of the neighborhood and we will stay on our side of the neighborhood. If you come on our side we have an unspoken rite to pounce on you. So that's the code of the streets and it was known by all the young people in the neighborhood. But the lil princess growing in confidence and street savvy could care less about that rule, she wanted to dance. She also wanted her friends to feel comfortable. As she kept her eyes on her friends and these rude young ladies, her new Sutter kept her attention off of the distraction and advise her not be bothered by them.

Later that evening, the ordeal had subsided and the lil princess' night was not in vain. She had spent most of the evening dancing with a young gentlemen despite the unpredictable interruptions.This young gentlemen she had so much fun dancing with was an angel in disguise. See he was apart of her new found gift. He was a secret blessing that she didn't even know she had the power to attract. What the lil' princess was about to learn was that God was sending to her personally his angels to help her unlock the mystery of her new power. Although he was unaware that God was using him in this grand capacity, he played his part to the letter as if the script had been woven inside of him. So as the night ended they exchanged phone numbers and she headed home. Several days later he called her and ask if she would like to go out, just as God had planned it. The lil princess eager to appear to be "all grown up, and independent," replied yes. He asked where she would like to go and she replied in a soft feminine way, "to the movies." She had heard about this new movie coming out that starred Denzel Washington as the lead actor and was coined, 'A Spike Lee Joint,' by the marketing media. The lil princess was unaware that this date would be much more than a date but it would be the catalyst for her to have a date with destiny.
more next time God willing
copyright (2010)

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